Common Questions:
Q: Will my order be delayed?
A: Currently, orders are coming in faster than usual but your Designer will always be able to give an estimated delivery timeline.
Q: Is the showroom open? Are there any changes to your hours?
A: Chicagoβs Phase 3 begins on June 3, 2020. Hours will stay the same and we will operate in full cooperation of Chicagoβs Phase 3 regulations, including frequent cleaning, wearing of masks and gloves, and limiting the number of total people in the showroom at any time.
Q: What is being done to keep our employees safe?
A: Any employee is required to stay home and contact a doctor if they are not feeling well or feverish. All employees are also required to wear masks in the store at all times.
Q: What are you doing to give back during this time?
A: We have launched to sell and donate masks to in-need hospital and facilities. In April, we donated over 15,000 FDA and CDC registered masks to in-need facilities in Chicago. Buy and donate masks at